1 Corinthians 13:4-5

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs." 1 Corinthians 13:4~5

Thursday, December 2, 2010

1. How do I relate to faith? How did Don Richardson relate to Faith? How do the Sawi relate to faith?

How do I relate to faith?

The way that I personally relate to faith is through love. God is love and He loves us. He loves us so much that He also gave us the ability to love one another and most important, Him. There is no possible way for us to love someone, whether it's a spouse or a friend, except through God giving us that gift and ability to love them. Every time that I feel love for someone I immediately know that God is there with me, giving me that ability to love that person and I remember how much He loves me. My faith in God and knowing that He is always here and He is real is very strong because I can see Him working every day in my life just by giving me the opportunities to love people, so that I can remember Him and love Him even more.

How did Don Richardson relate to faith?

Don Richardson was a missionary that related the peace child to faith in the Sawi Tribe's culture. Don Richardson had wanted to be a missionary for a very long time and when he finally got the opportunity to go and share the gospel in Papua New Guinea, he felt like this was a sign from God that his calling was to be a missionary and bring the tribes in New Guinea to Christ. He had such strong faith and trust in God that this was what he should be doing with his life. Throughout his journey and experience living amongst the Sawi people, he faced many obstacles and difficult and confusing times. It was those times that his faith became the strongest and the way he truly related to faith was by completely exposing himself to God and telling Him straight out that he needed help and that he couldn't do whatever he was trying to do, alone. Richardson had to completely trust God and lift everything up into His hands to reach out to the Sawi, and he did this. That show of his faith and trust in God was how He related to God and therefore God answered and gave him the way to relate to the Sawi through the peace child.

How do the Sawi relate to faith?

The Sawi tribe of Papua New Guinea related to faith through their relationship between their custom of giving the peace child and God giving us Jesus. The Sawi custom of the peace child was an offering of peace between 2 tribes. A child would be given to the other tribe and the other tribe could choose whether or not to accept that child as a gift of peace, and then as long as that child lived there would be peace between the 2 tribes. When Don Richardson explained how God gave his only son, Jesus, as a peace child to us and that he lives eternally, the Sawi realized they need to accept this peace offering and know that they will always have peace in their lives because God's son lives forever. The Sawi could relate to faith because they could all understand how much of a sacrifice and gift it was for God to give his only son, because they had also witnessed or done it themselves.


  1. Hey Becca,

    I really enjoyed reading your post about how you, Don Richardson and the Sawi people relate to faith. I agree with everything you have said in terms of how Don Richardson and the Sawi people relate to faith. I think this post seemed to answer all aspects of the question. However, since we all relate to faith differently, do you think it is possible to have faith in different things or concepts?

    -Ryan Park

  2. Great question Ryan. I hope Becca answers your question. Becca I can see that you completely understand the theme of this work. Well done.
